© Taxzi | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

© Taxzi | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

Okay, after much wrestling, gnashing of teeth, begging and cajoling, the first draft of my novel done and resting for the next month, while I try my best to forget plot/character (so that when I go back, I read with fresh eyes)…

Does anyone else find their first draft a mix of whoa & woe?

As in, you’re happy (thrilled!) that you have this massive thing scribed from your head to the page, but on the other hand, there are so many gaps/holes/issues, you feel tired just thinking about it?

I’m doing my best to shove the whole thing from my mind–it feels a little like a wonderful party where I ate too much, danced too much, and now with streamers in my hair and confetti in my dress, I’m looking at the clean up.

But that can wait, right? Now, it’s about enjoyment and rest. Next month, I’ll push up my sleeves, shove my hands in the hot, soapy water, and get cleaning.